+34 670333223 / medical.advantage info@medabcn.com
Due to more women delaying pregnancy, the rise in the number of new couples forming after a separation/divorce and the emergence of mono-parental and same sex families, there has been a significant increase in the demand for fertility treatments and assisted reproduction techniques.
Thanks to advances in Reproductive Medicine and the development of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), fertility specialists now have a greater understanding of the causes of male and female infertility and sterility and are able to accurately diagnose and treat cases in a very personalized way.
The center is experienced in performing comprehensive sterility and infertility studies and applying the most innovative techniques to the field of assisted reproduction. With the very latest in technological installations and equipment and a team of highly qualified and dedicated personnel,able to assist in the most complex of cases, offering an extensive programme of treatments in an environment designed to achieve optimum results.
Today, the most commonly performed treatments at the fertility center are artificial insemination (AI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic spermatozoid injection (ICSI). In addition, the clinic has specialized experience in assisting HIV serodiscordant couples to conceive safely using the sperm washing method.
In instances where sperm or egg donation is required, there is an established Sperm Bank and Egg Donation Programme, which allows the clinic to provide immediate ‘no wait’ assistance to single women and couples who are attempting to achieve a full term pregnancy. The clinic guarantees that donors remain anonymous to recipients and only those donors who complete a highly comprehensive screening process are selected. The combination of high level medicine, the latest in assisted reproductive technology and affordable treatment plans, provides patients embarking on assisted reproduction with all the support and professional expertise required to ensure the best possible chances of success.
Should you wish to know more about fertility treatments available please contact us at info@medabcn.com with your enquiry or complete our ‘Make an enquiry’ form providing if possible details of a previous diagnosis and treatment. Free quotations for all tests and treatments are available upon request.